Registrations Open: Summer Courses
Dean of Northwest Seminary
Director of the Korean Global Leadership Program
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies
Northwest Baptist Seminary
Jonathan has worked in cross-cultural ministry, primary and secondary education, and the private sector. He worked as an adjunct instructor before joining Northwest Baptist Seminary’s faculty full time. Jonathan enjoys studying Korean language and culture and researching issues related to contemporary culture, Septuagint, and Hellenistic Judaism.
누마다 교수는 교차 문화적 환경에서 사역 하였다. 초등학교와 중-고교에서 가르쳤으며, 일반 회사에서 근무 하기도 하였다. 이 후 노스웨스트 침례 신학대학원 겸임 교수를 거처 전임 교수로 부임하였다. 누마다 교수는 한국어와 한국 문화를 즐겨 배우고 있으며 현대 문화와 관련된 이슈들과, 칠십인경(LXX), 그리고 헬라적 유대교에 대하여 관심을 가지고 연구하고 있다.
BTh - Prairie College
MTS - Trinity Western Seminary (ACTS)
PhD in Christian Theology - McMaster Divinity College
Cross-cultural issues
Hellenistic Judaism
Anti-Semitism and Anti-Judaism
Courses Taught at ACTS
New Testament Foundations
Greek Exegesis 1 and 2
Gospel of Mark
Korean Global Christian Leadership Program Courses
Introduction to Biblical Studies
New Testament Foundations
Gospel of Mark
Introduction to the MA and M.Div in Global Christian Leadership
Graduating Essay