Registrations Open: Summer Courses

Spiritual Resources

Before leaders can serve others, their own spiritual lives must be strong. As a seminary student, your relationship with God can go deeper than ever and we want to provide you with the resources and connection opportunities to help you on your spiritual journey. We offer prayer groups, chapel services and chaplaincy services that will nurture your heart and strengthen your faith.

Priscilla Kim headshot

Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. (Ephesians 5:1)

The worshipping community is one of the best values of ACTS Seminaries. At ACTS, we strive to create a diverse, passionate and Christ-centered environment.

We are ready to help you identify what God is doing in your life through our chapels, small groups and student-led ministries. Let us take this journey together.

Priscilla Kim


Join our community:

These opportunities exist to help you connect with the ACTS community in worship, prayer and Christian fellowship as a student.  

Chapel graphic with date and time on it
Chapel Wednesdays at 11:30AM

More from Chaplain Priscilla Kim