Registrations Open: Summer Courses

Course Descriptions

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BIB 505
Biblical Interpretation 3 Credits

Offered every year

BIB 520
Old Testament Foundations 3 Credits

Offered every year

BIB 540
New Testament Foundations 3 Credits

Offered every year

BIB 620
Old Testament Theology 3 Credits

Offered every year

BIB 640
New Testament Theology 3 Credits

Offered every year

BIB 660
Exploring Septuagint Origins and Texts 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BIB 691
LXX and the New Testament 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BIB 691
Josephus and the Septuagint 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BIB 691 A
The Septuagint and Law 3 Credits

With the translation of the Torah from Hebrew into Greek, Greek-speaking Jewish communities could now reflect on the applicability and reach of this version of Sacred Law.

This course deals with these two questions:

1. What range of translational approaches were taken to produce a Greek version of the Torah, and what did it communicate as legal document?

2. What do we know about the conception of "Law" held by Greek-speaking Jewish communities?

BIB 692
Reception of the Septuagint in Early Church 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BIB 760
Septuagint Exegesis 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BIB 761
The Septuagint in Early Jewish and Christian Traditions  3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BIB 768
Current Issues in Septuagint Studies  3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BIB 792
Septuagint Studies: Theories, Principles, and Methods 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BNT 501
Introductory NT Greek I 3 Credits

Offered every year

BNT 502
Introductory NT Greek II 3 Credits

Offered every year

BNT 503
Greek Tools for Exegesis 3 Credits

Offered each year

BNT 571
General Epistles 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BNT 601
NT Greek Exegesis I 3 Credits

Offered every year

BNT 602
NT Greek Exegesis II 3 Credits

Offered every year

BNT 605
Readings in NT Greek 3 Credits

The focus of this course is on the enhancement of skills in translation and parsing and on the development of proficiency in syntactical and discourse analysis through the reading of selected texts in the Greek Bible.

BNT 632
Gospel of Matthew 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BNT 634
Exposition of Mark 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BNT 637
Parables of Jesus 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

BNT 640
Gospel of John 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

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