Registrations Open: Summer Courses
Offered every year
Offered every year
Offered every year
Offered every year
Offered every year
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
With the translation of the Torah from Hebrew into Greek, Greek-speaking Jewish communities could now reflect on the applicability and reach of this version of Sacred Law.
This course deals with these two questions:
1. What range of translational approaches were taken to produce a Greek version of the Torah, and what did it communicate as legal document?
2. What do we know about the conception of "Law" held by Greek-speaking Jewish communities?
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
Offered every year
Offered every year
Offered each year
Offered occasionally
Offered every year
Offered every year
The focus of this course is on the enhancement of skills in translation and parsing and on the development of proficiency in syntactical and discourse analysis through the reading of selected texts in the Greek Bible.
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally
Offered occasionally