Experience Seminary Day: Hear God's Calling for You

ACTS Alumni

The alumni of ACTS Seminaries have followed God's call into various stations in both the church and the world including pastoring churches, working in translation or serving as lay leaders. See some of our alumni profiles below.

Alumni Profiles

Craig Thiessen, MDiv

Vocational Ministry Degrees
Craig Thiessen completed a Master of Divinity with ACTS Seminaries and currently serves as a leader within the Ross Road Community Church, helping people find and follow Jesus.

Ryan Jantzi, MDiv

Vocational Ministry Degrees
Ryan Jantzi is a Ministry Director with the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches working to support and resource our leaders and churches.

Tyler Harper, MDiv

Vocational Ministry Degrees
Tyler Harper has served as the solo pastor of Chase Evangelical Free Church in Chase B.C. since 2017, his primary role is to equip the saints of Chase to make disciples and disciple those disciples.

Michael Morelli, Ph.D.

Theological Research Degrees
Michael is the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Assistant Professor of Theology, Culture & Ethics at Northwest College and Seminary, a member of ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western Univesity.
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Students discussing at table in cafeteria
Latest Alumni Courses • Special Topic: Building Healthy Church Boards (CHM 596 OL)
• Ethics and Leadership Issues in Chaplaincy (CHP 640)

And don't forget about the Alumni Scholarship! All alumni are welcome to take one of our courses with a $250 discount. Contact us to learn more.

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Podcast Seminary Insider is a space created to address some of your theological questions within a community of people following Jesus in life and ministry. Brought to you by ACTS Seminaries. Check out our podcast on any of the ways in which you listen.