Registrations Open: Summer Courses


S. Min Chun, DPhil


Director of Christian Worldview Studies Program
President, Vancouver Institute for Evangelical Worldview

Vancouver Institute for Evangelical Worldview

Min is a specialist in the study of Old Testament ethics and has an interest in the public role of a Christian worldview and theology. He offers courses that explore the biblical foundations of the Christian worldview every semester, covering topics such as Biblical Hermeneutics, Christianity and Culture, Christian Worldview and Biblical Spirituality. 


Image of S. Min Chun, DPhil


BSc in Mathematics - Seoul National University 

DipCS in Christian Studies - Regent College 

MCS in Biblical Languages - Regent College 

ThM in Old Testament Studies - Regent College 

DPhil in Old Testament - Oxford University

Image of S. Min Chun, DPhil


Old Testament 
Christian Worldview and Biblical Studies 
Discourse Linguistics of Biblical Hebrew 
Literary Reading of Old Testament Narratives 
Theology of Everyday Life 
Biblical Studies and Science 

Courses Taught:
Introduction to Biblical Studies 
Biblical Hermeneutics 
Worldviews in the Biblical World 
Christianity and Culture
Christian Worldview and Social Issues 
Biblical Spirituality

Image of S. Min Chun, DPhil