Experience Chaplaincy Day: A Day in the Life
When did you first begin your path into vocational ministry?
After graduating from CBC in 2009 I became the Youth Pastor at Ross Road Community Church (Abbotsford). I served in that role until 2016, at which point I entered my seminary studies at ACTS (MBBS). After completing my MDiv, I re-joined RRCC first as Co-Lead Pastor and then Lead Pastor.
Why did you choose to study at ACTS?
I chose to study at ACTS because I valued the opportunity to study in my denominational seminary and I had heard great things about the school. It didn’t hurt that I lived 8 minutes away!
What was one of your favorite courses to take at ACTS?
There are many I could choose, but the preaching classes I took with Dr. Kent Anderson were very beneficial to my development. Leadership classes with Dr. Randy Wolff were also helpful for me as I learned more about myself and my leadership style.
What is one lesson from seminary studies that you wish you had known before you started?
One thing I learned during my time at seminary that may have been beneficial to know before I began is that seminary is not simply an academic experience. The classes aimed not just to develop my mind but me as a whole person. I grew in my understanding of my emotional self, and learned more about how I connect with God and engage with the world on a spiritual level. The professors cared about me as a person and I still seek their advice from time to time. Having professors that took time to pray for me and share their wisdom with me was very meaningful.
What’s something you’re working on or researching now?
Currently, I am carrying on in my leadership at RRCC as we seek to help people find and follow Jesus.