Experience Chaplaincy Day: A Day in the Life

Ryan Jantzi, MDiv

Vocational Ministry Degrees

Ryan Jantzi is a Ministry Director with the Ontario Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches working to support and resource our leaders and churches. A primary responsibility of his role is leading their family of churches in exploring new ways of forming disciple-making communities. This role follows eleven years with Kingsfield in southwestern Ontario, where Ryan served first as a bi-vocational pastor in a house church and then as the Lead Pastor with the planting church, Kingfield - Zurich Mennonite Church.

When did you first begin your path into vocational ministry?
God's call to vocational ministry emerged as I was given opportunities to serve and lead in my church through my growing-up years. I loved these experiences and others affirmed my gifting and calling. Over time, God revealed a passion in my heart for helping the local church to walk faithfully with Jesus. I discovered I couldn't stop thinking about this!

Why did you choose to study at ACTS?
I was drawn to the opportunity provided by the ACTS consortium to learn and grow alongside other Christian traditions, while also being formed my own particular theological stream. TWU as a world-class campus and the beauty of the west coast of Canada were also significant influences. 

What was one of your favorite courses to take at ACTS?
The History of Christianity in Canada with Professor Bruce Guenther was my favourite ACTS course. Bruce has a unique way of facilitating conversation where he draws everyone into dialogue while also providing challenging and inspiring instruction. 

What is one lesson from seminary studies that you wish you had known before you started?
Through several different ACTS courses, I discovered the missional heartbeat of God. I grew in my understanding of God as a sending God. I discovered that a mission impulse is not an additional aspect of our faith, but at the very core of God's character and the DNA He's placed among His people. This realization and burgeoning passion has defined my leadership since. I wish it'd had been more deeply formed earlier in my journey with Jesus. 

What’s something you’re working on or researching now?
A passion project God has given me is exploring how to invite churches into new ways of making new disciples that fit the post-Christian context we find ourselves in. There is much opportunity, but it is unsettling territory to enter as it is vastly different than what we've experienced in recent memory. 

Image of Ryan Jantzi, MDiv