Experience Chaplaincy Day: A Day in the Life

Tyler Harper, MDiv

Vocational Ministry Degrees

Tyler Harper has served as the solo pastor of Chase Evangelical Free Church in Chase B.C. since 2017, his primary role is to equip the saints of Chase to make disciples and disciple those disciples. Tyler graduated ACTS with an M.Div and M.Th (Theology). Before entering vocational ministry Tyler worked in the trucking industry, first behind the wheel (concurrent to studies and following) and then in dispatch and management roles. Previously Tylerearned a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Winnipeg. Ordained in 2021 Tyler joined the Ministerial Standing Committee of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada in 2022 — a body that oversees credentialing, ordination, and discipline of ministry leaders within the national church family.

When did you first begin your path into vocational ministry?
Having been raised in the context of faith and ministry, as I participated in a study of Knowing God by JI Packer at my local church I felt a deep desire to devote my life to knowing God and sharing God with the community around me.

Why did you choose to study at ACTS?
I chose to study at ACTS because I deeply appreciate the multi-denominational context and the beauty of studying in a place that saw strength in a diversity of theological viewpoints. I was also drawn to the strong academic pedigree of a seminary, connected to a significant university that was also rooted in pastoral life.

What was one of your favorite courses to take at ACTS?
Contemporary Theologies with A Spencer (Spring 2011) or Barth Reading Class with A. Spencer (Fall 2011)

What is one lesson from seminary studies that you wish you had known before you started?
There are no shortcuts to formation. Degrees take time and labour because these are a means of personal and spiritual transformation.

What’s something you’re working on or researching now?
I have been Pastored Chase Evangelical Free Church for the past 5 years after a career in the trucking industry. I recently joined the Ministerial Standing Committee of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada. I am interested in research in Faith in the context of a Secular Age (Charles Taylor), Christology, and theological Anthropology.

Image of Tyler Harper, MDiv