Experience Seminary Day: Discern God's Calling for You
Fall 2020 online course offerings:
September 1 – October 24, 2020
BIB 540 OL: New Testament Foundations – Dr. Jonathan Numada
BIB 640 OL: New Testament Theology – Dr. Jonathan Numada
BNT 501 OL: Introductory NT Greek 1 – David Sigrist
BOT 501 OL: Elementary Hebrew 1 - David Sigrist
CLD 510 OL: Foundations of Christian Leadership – Dr. Randy Wollf
CLD 531 OL: Theology and Practice of Spiritual Leadership – Dr. Roger Helland
HIS 541 OL: History of Christianity 2 - TBA
PTH 603 OL: Preaching and Communication - Dr. Kent Anderson
THS 571 OL: Theology 1 - Dr. Brian Cooper
October 26 – December 19, 2020
BIB 505 OL: Biblical Interpretation – Dr. Don Chang
BNT 502 OL: Introductory NT Greek 2 – David Sigrist
BNT 601 OL: NT Greek Exegesis 1 – Dr. Jonathan Numada
BNT 667 OL: Pastoral Epistles – Dr. Erich Engler
BOT 502 OL: Elementary Hebrew 2 – David Sigrist
CHP 692 OL: Perspectives and Ministry in MAiD - Dr. Gloria Woodland
CLD 533 OL: Mentoring, Team-Building and Equipping - Dr. Randy Wollf
PTH 530 OL: Theology and Practice of Worship - Dr. Joan DeVries
THS 680 OL: Christianity in Culture – Dr. Bruce Guenther