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Writing Centre Workshops (Online)

Join the Writing Centre for their upcoming workshops throughout May:

May 11: Essay Structure (Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences) 
How do you write a paper with ideas and arguments that are easy to follow? And how do you write a paper that actually goes somewhere? This workshop will cover strengthening your paper’s main ideas and presenting them clearly and logically using thesis statements and topic sentences.

May 12: Paragraph Structure (Supporting Details) 
This class will cover how to formulate a coherent paragraph that serves the overall purpose of the paper. Come and learn how to write effective topic sentences and how to structure your supporting details to best effect.

May 18: Sentence Structure: Using Correct Syntax 
English sentence structure can be difficult to master, but there is more method to the madness than you might think. This workshop will improve your writing by teaching you how to understand the general structure of English sentences in a visual way that you will remember, as well as how to avoid the common sentence-level mistakes like fragments, run-ons, splices, and more.

May 19: Sentence Structure: Editing and Proofreading Skills 
Once you've written a paper, how do you make each sentence memorable, punchy, and clear? This workshop will showcase several stylistic errors that plague poorly-written, albeit grammatical, sentences. You will learn to become a better writer by identifying and deleting meaningless phrases, picking between different vocabulary items, using easy-to-parse sentence structures, and more.

May 25: How to Write a Forum Post & Response
How do you write a stand-out forum post? How do you organize your thoughts succinctly and provide sufficient detail for an argument in only around 300 words? This workshop will cover how plan and write a forum post that addresses your topic thoughtfully and engages your classmates, as well as the best way to respond to a classmate's post.

May 26: Enjoying the Writing Experience 
From students to professionals, most writers admit that they dislike the writing experience. For many, writing can feel stressful and frustrating, especially when writing long papers about complex topics at a high level. This workshop will cover how to stay sane during the writing process. Come and learn how to confront your emotions on writing and implement strategies that will lead not only to better quality papers, but more enjoyment for you along the way.