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ACTS Seminaries Announces Andrew Krause as Academic Director

ACTS Seminaries is pleased to announce the appointment of Andrew Krause, PhD, to the position of Academic Director. Dr. Krause has served as Interim Academic Director as of 2020 and will bring his experience and impressive academic history to the new position.

Dr. Krause developed a love for and vocational calling in scholarship and academic administration as an undergraduate student at Columbia Bible College. A decorated academic, he received his PhD in Early Judaism & Christian Origins from McMaster University. Prior to ACTS, he conducted postdoctoral research at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, Germany and Penn State University. His research focuses on prayer, liturgy, and assembly traditions in ancient Judaism and early Christianity, as well as what this means for congregations today. He is also co-chair of the ‘Prayer in Antiquity’ section of the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meetings.

Dr. Krause has authored several works, including Synagogues in the Works of Flavius Josephus: Rhetoric, Spatiality, and First-Century Jewish Institutions (Brill, 2017), and he is co-editor of Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020) and Dead Sea Scrolls, Revise and Repeat: New Methods and Perspectives (SBL Press, 2020). He has published in several international journals, including Novum Testamentum, Dead Sea Discoveries, Revue de Qumran, Journal of Ancient Judaism, Henoch, Journal of Ancient History, and Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting.