Experience Seminary Day: To Explore Your Calling

ACTS World Campus: Spring 2023 Courses


January 3 - Feb 25

  • CLD 533 OL - Mentoring, Team Building and Equipping - Randy Wollf

  • HIS 541 OL - History of Christianity II - Brian Cooper

  • PTH 605 OL - Pastoral Counselling - Gloria Woodland

  • THS 571 OL - Theology I - Archie Spencer

January 10 - April 14

  • RES 502 OL - Research Strategies - William Badke

February 27 - April 22

  • PTH 560 OL - Theology and Practice of Worship - Joan DeVries

  • PTH 600 OL - Formation for Ministry - Kevin O'Coin

  • THS 701 OL - Contemporary Theological Issues - Brian Cooper