Experience Seminary Day: Discern God's Calling for You
We are pleased to announce that Liisa Polkki, Director of Admissions at ACTS Seminaries, is the 2019 recipient of the Graduate and Adult Professional Admissions Officer of the Year award from the North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals (NACCAP).
This award is given to a graduate or seminary admissions professional in Canada or the United States who has made an outstanding contribution to the success of their institution, and contributed to the profession of recruiting and admissions as a whole.
Liisa has been instrumental in the enrolment growth experienced over the last several years at ACTS Seminaries. Her promotion of the Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy program in the community, and the subsequent growth in MAMFT program admissions was particularly noteworthy.
Congratulations Liisa, on this well-deserved recognition!