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Profiles in Ministry: Priscilla Kim

Recently we posted in celebration of International Women’s Day. While this important day provides a natural opportunity to celebrate women, we want to honour the contributions of women to the church and the world throughout the whole year. We hope these profiles in ministry demonstrate just some of our appreciation of women in the ACTS community. Today's profile is in celebration of Priscilla Kim, ACTS Graduate Enrolment Advisor. 

Priscilla's Story:

Although I spent my young adult years in the ministry, I did not answer the calling to seminary study. As a wife and two boys’ mom, I had to leave the ministry for a while, thirteen years later, God reminded me the seminary study calling through my husband and son, and I finally said “yes”.

God invited me to the care ministry through my own suffering. With the heart of a mother who participates in her own child’s pain, I have been blessed to participate in the pain of others I meet in my ministry, and enjoy testifying about a God who suffers with us when we suffer.

Ministry with a mother's heart is a special blessing. As the feminine image of God in the Bible shows, we conceive and nurture life and care for the soul. This is the source of our ministry, and the place where true ministry flows from.