Registrations Open: Summer Courses

Master of Arts - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)


The Master of Arts – Christian Worldview Studies in Korean is for Korean-speaking professionals seeking to integrate faith with science, family, life and social issues. Courses in the Christian Worldview Studies program are offered entirely in Korean, though students who wish may also access the wider range of English-delivery courses and resources available through ACTS Seminaries

This program seeks to equip Christian leaders with a Christian worldview, so that they may become Christ-like servants and sacrificial leaders. It will assist you in strengthening your spiritual disciplines, developing significant leadership skills, and will refresh your academic and professional experience.

* The Master of Arts – Christian Worldview Studies program is normally completed in five semesters. This degree is granted conjointly by Trinity Western University and the seminary in which the student is enrolled.


Master of Arts - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)


Research and Writing
RES 502 - Research Strategies
MCS 810 - MA Graduating Project

Biblical/Theological Studies
BIB 505K - Biblical Interpretation
BIB 520K/540K - OT Foundations OR NT Foundations

Theological Studies
THS 571K - Theology I
THS 671K - Theology II

Church History and Culture Studies
HIS 541K - History of Christianity II
HIS 642K/641K - Medieval Intellectual History OR Modern Intellectual History

Leadership Formation
CLD 510K - Foundations of Christian Leadership

Worldview Studies
WVS 500 - Worldview Foundations
Two Worldview Studies Electives

Science and Family and Social Studies SCS 691 - Creation Studies Field Trip Two Science Studies or Family & Social Studies Electives
Three Open Electives

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Master of Arts - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)

Paul Seung-Hun Yang, PhD

S. Min Chun, DPhil

Areas of Study

Master of Arts - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)

There are no areas of study for this program.

Master of Arts - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)


ACTS Seminaries welcomes applicants who confess faith in Jesus, are members in or connected with a local church, and possess a desire for academic and spiritual growth within the ACTS Seminaries community. A bachelor degree from an accredited university or college is the standard academic prerequisite.

Step 1 - choose your degree program
Step 2 - fill out the online application form
Step 3 - submit your references and transcripts

The seminaries that constitute the Associated Canadian Theological Schools admit qualified women and men of any race, nationality or ethnic origin. Please note that meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission. ACTS may consider applicants who do not meet the minimum academic requirements, provided they can demonstrate the ability to succeed at the graduate level.


ACTS 신학대학원은 예수님에 대한 신앙고백이 있고 건전한 개신교회 소속인 자로서 ACTS 신학대학원에서 학문적 및 영적 성장에 대한 열망이 있는 지원자를 환영합니다. 정규대학 학사학위를 요구합니다.

1 단계-학위 프로그램 선택 2 단계-온라인 신청서 작성3 단계-추천 및 성적 증명서 제출

ACTS 신학대학원을 구성하는 회원신학교는 입학사정에서 여성과 남성을 차별하지 않으며 모든 인종, 국적 또는 민족을 차별하지 않습니다. 단 입학요건을 모두 충족한다고해서 입학이 보장되는 것은 아닙니다. ACTS신학 대학원은 입학자격 조건이 충족되지 않더라도 대학원 수준에서 성공할 수있는 능력을 보여줄 수 있는 지원자를 위하여 튿별전형을 고려할 수 있습니다.

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All Programs

Graduate Diploma - Christian Studies
An introduction to biblical studies, theology and personal ministry formation.

Master of Arts - Christian Studies
Deepen your overall understanding of the scriptures, theology, personal spiritual formation and ministry skills to live out the gospel in all areas of life.

Master of Arts - Christian Studies (Mandarin) 基督教研究文学硕士
Raising a new generation of Chinese Christian leaders, educators and cultural missionaries.

Master of Arts - Christian Leadership
Deepen your overall understanding of the scriptures, theology, personal spiritual formation and ministry skills to live out the gospel in all areas of life.

Master of Arts - Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care
Deepen your overall understanding of the scriptures, theology, personal spiritual formation and ministry skills to live out the gospel in all areas of life.

Master of Divinity
The best option for those who are called to full time ministry.

Master of Arts in Linguistics and Translation
Trains you in the techniques of applied linguistics and interpretation of biblical texts for effective cross-cultural communication and ministry.

Master of Theological Studies
Equips you with expanded knowledge in a biblical or theological specialization for academic ministry or doctoral studies.

Master of Theology
Designed for those who have already completed a graduate theological degree and want to deepen their knowledge and mastery of a specific area of biblical or theological studies.

Post-Masters Certificate in Spiritual Care
Prepares those who have already attained a Master’s degrees with the knowledge, professional competencies and necessary credentials for ministry employment as a chaplain or spiritual care practitioner.

Doctor of Ministry
A professional degree that will enhance your ministry practice by providing mentored reflection on God and the scriptures as the foundation of your ministry.

Graduate Diploma - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)
Equips Christian leaders with a Christian worldview, so that they may become Christ-like servants and sacrificial leaders.

Master of Arts - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)
For Korean-speaking professionals seeking to integrate faith with science, family, life and social issues.

Master of Divinity - Worldview and Peace Studies (Korean)
Prepares you with integrated knowledge of theology, history, worldview, and peace studies for ministry in the current Korean context, including that of Korean diaspora.

Master of Arts - Global Christian Leadership (Korean)
Provides intercultural leadership and ministry training in the Korean language.

Master of Divinity - Global Christian Leadership (Korean)
Prepares you to provide intercultural leadership for congregations and Christian agencies being affected by globalization and cultural change.

Master of Divinity (Mandarin) 道学硕士
Training pastors in their native language, with the knowledge, formation and skills they need to succeed in their specific context.

Graduate Certificates (Mandarin) (基础神学)证书课程
圣经基础证书 神学基础证书 教牧基础证书

Graduate Certificates
- Biblical Foundations - Christian Foundations - Ministry Foundations - Christian Leadership