Experience Chaplaincy Day: A Day in the Life

Course Descriptions

Filter: Graduate Diploma - Christian Worldview Studies (Korean)

WVS 500
Worldview Foundations (Korean) 3 Credits

This course begins with a consideration of the anthropological and sociological understandings of a “worldview” and how it works to shape personal and community ethos.

FSC 501
Christian Worldview and Education 3 Credits

Formal and informal education in Korean society is overviewed and evaluated from within a biblical perspective.

FSC 502
Christian Worldview and Social Issues 3 Credits

This course is designed to present the Christian perspectives on current social issues in the 21st Century such as capitalism and economic justice, taxation and land ethics, social corruption, the handicapped and social welfare and economic growth.

WVS 540
Christian Worldview and Biblical Spirituality 3 Credits

All aspects of Christian life should be guided and guarded by the Bible. Spirituality is not an exception, no matter how noble and lofty it may sound. Various works on spiritual theology including the those of Eugene Peterson will be discussed during the course.

SCS 690
Creation Studies Seminar 3 Credits

Creation Studies Seminar