Spring 2025 Courses are Now Available

Course Descriptions

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CLD 534
Vision, Strategic Planning and Organizational Leadership 3 Credits

Offered every other year

CPL 603
Church Planter Assessment 3 Credits

Offered occasionally

DMN 961
Mindset I 3 Credits

On-campus mentored peer learning with ACTS faculty and fellow students.

DMN 962
Journey I 3 Credits

Offered every other year

DMN 963
Mindset II 3 Credits

On-campus mentored peer learning with ACTS faculty and fellow students.

DMN 964
Journey II 3 Credits

Offered every other year

DMN 965
Mindset III 3 Credits

On-campus mentored peer learning with ACTS faculty and fellow students.

DMN 971
Explorations I 2 Credits

Explore in greater depth the themes of the Mindset course - God and Theology, Leadership and Context, Mission and Community - along with topics relevant to your thesis project.

DMN 972
Explorations II 2 Credits

Explore in greater depth the themes of the Mindset course - God and Theology, Leadership and Context, Mission and Community - along with topics relevant to your thesis project.

DMN 973
Explorations III 2 Credits

Explore in greater depth the themes of the Mindset course - God and Theology, Leadership and Context, Mission and Community - along with topics relevant to your thesis project.

DMN 974
Explorations IV 2 Credits

Explore in greater depth the themes of the Mindset course - God and Theology, Leadership and Context, Mission and Community - along with topics relevant to your thesis project.

DMN 975
Explorations V 2 Credits

Explore in greater depth the themes of the Mindset course - God and Theology, Leadership and Context, Mission and Community - along with topics relevant to your thesis project.

DMN 976
Explorations VI 2 Credits

Explore in greater depth the themes of the Mindset course - God and Theology, Leadership and Context, Mission and Community - along with topics relevant to your thesis project.

DMN 981-6
Investigations 1 Credits

Investigate in greater depth the themes of the Mindset course - God and Theology, Leadership and Context, Mission and Community - along with topics relevant to your thesis project.

FSC 501
Christian Worldview and Education 3 Credits

Formal and informal education in Korean society is overviewed and evaluated from within a biblical perspective.

FSC 502
Christian Worldview and Social Issues 3 Credits

This course is designed to present the Christian perspectives on current social issues in the 21st Century such as capitalism and economic justice, taxation and land ethics, social corruption, the handicapped and social welfare and economic growth.

FSC 504
Biomedical Ethics 3 Credits

This course is designed to present Christian/Biblical perspectives on current biomedical issues.

FSC 510
Marriage and Communication 3 Credits

This course will serve as a teaching/learning experience for marital communication.

FSC 511
Parent Education 3 Credits

Parent Education

FSC 601
Financial Stewardship 3 Credits

This course provides an intensive study of financial stewardship in the Bible at both micro and macro levels.

FSC 602
Justice and Public Policy 3 Credits

This course aims to explore the relevance of Christian political thought for the pursuit of just public policy today, drawing where appropriate on public policy experts.

FSC 621
Media and Contemporary Culture 3 Credits

It is virtually impossible for us to be immune from the influence of media whether traditional such as printed material or high-tech social networking services. In this course, the various issues regarding media and contemporary culture will be discussed from the perspective of Christian worldview.

HIS 540
History of Christianity I 3 Credits

Offered every year

HIS 541
History of Christianity II 3 Credits

Offered every year

HIS 550 M
History of Christianity I (Mandarin) 3 Credits

A chronological survey of the history of Christianity from the first century until the eve of the Reformation.

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